Song: Sanu Ik Pal Chain Na Aave
Translated in english
Singer: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
The beautiful song Sanu Ik Pal chain na aave ho sajjna tere bina is one of favorite songs ever. This song is so heart touching and the music is so smooth that you will feel like you are enjoying the song so much and you feel like lost in the music completely. I have shared the lyrics of the song along with the english translation so that people who dont understand punjabi but still love this song can know the meaning of the song. So listen the song ang enjoy and share your feelings on the same. Cheers!!!
Sanu ik pal chain naa aave, sajjna tere bina
[I don't find peace for a moment, besides you, oh my beloved]
ho saada kalleyan g nai lagna, sajjna tere bina.. .sajna tere bina...
[i wont be able to live alone, besides you oh my beloved]
* Sanu-I/Us, Ik - One, Pal - Moment, Naa - Not, Aave - find/come, Sajjna - Lover, Tere Bina: Widout u/besides u
* Saada - Our/mine, Kalleyan - Alone, g - heart, nai- no
kise daa yaaar na pardes jaaave | nobody's love shall ever leave
vichhoda naa kise de pesh aave | None shall face the pain of separation
ho sanu ek pal chain na aave | i dont find peace besides you mybeloved
* Kise da/de - someone's, yaar - mate/lover, naa - not, pardes jaave - leave apart
* Vichchoda - seperation, pesh aave - face
Rog vijog te sog hazaara... sajna tere naaal | ailment, seperation and thousands of pains....are with you my love
ho naa bhaave roj kayamat..bichhde yaar jinna de.. ho sanoo ik pal chain...
[----------------------------whose love gets seperate]
* Rog - illness, vijog - seperation, te - and, sog - pain, hazara - thousands
* Vichchoda - seperation, pesh aave - face
Hoke, haade, hijar te gya yaar sogaatan
[pain, sorrows and tears of seperation.....these are the gifts you have given me]
mud naa aaye dil te mehram...beet gaiya barsaata....sanu ik pal chain naa aave...
[the raining season has gone away shall never come back on heart...ohh my confidant]
* Hoke - sound of cry due to pain, haade - sorrows, hijar - separation, athroo - tears, de gaya - have given, sogaatan - gifts
* mud - return, naa - not, aaye - come, dil te - on heart, mehram - confidant, beet gaiya - gone away, barsaata - raining season
Raati mai jagaawa diva hanjuaaa de tel daa | i lit a candle with oil of tears
haye o rabba sajjna nu chheti kyu nahi melda ... ho sanu ik pal chain naa aave....
[o God, why dont you make my lover meet soon]
* Raati - in the night, mai - I, Jagawa - lit, diva - candle/utensils lamp, hanjuaa de - of tears, tel daa - of oil
* Haye O - hey, rabba - God, sajjna nu - lover, chheti - soon, kyu - why, nahi - not, melda - make meet
Translated in english
Singer: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
The beautiful song Sanu Ik Pal chain na aave ho sajjna tere bina is one of favorite songs ever. This song is so heart touching and the music is so smooth that you will feel like you are enjoying the song so much and you feel like lost in the music completely. I have shared the lyrics of the song along with the english translation so that people who dont understand punjabi but still love this song can know the meaning of the song. So listen the song ang enjoy and share your feelings on the same. Cheers!!!
Sanu ik pal chain naa aave, sajjna tere bina
[I don't find peace for a moment, besides you, oh my beloved]
ho saada kalleyan g nai lagna, sajjna tere bina.. .sajna tere bina...
[i wont be able to live alone, besides you oh my beloved]
* Sanu-I/Us, Ik - One, Pal - Moment, Naa - Not, Aave - find/come, Sajjna - Lover, Tere Bina: Widout u/besides u
* Saada - Our/mine, Kalleyan - Alone, g - heart, nai- no
kise daa yaaar na pardes jaaave | nobody's love shall ever leave
vichhoda naa kise de pesh aave | None shall face the pain of separation
ho sanu ek pal chain na aave | i dont find peace besides you mybeloved
* Kise da/de - someone's, yaar - mate/lover, naa - not, pardes jaave - leave apart
* Vichchoda - seperation, pesh aave - face
Rog vijog te sog hazaara... sajna tere naaal | ailment, seperation and thousands of pains....are with you my love
ho naa bhaave roj kayamat..bichhde yaar jinna de.. ho sanoo ik pal chain...
[----------------------------whose love gets seperate]
* Rog - illness, vijog - seperation, te - and, sog - pain, hazara - thousands
* Vichchoda - seperation, pesh aave - face
Hoke, haade, hijar te gya yaar sogaatan
[pain, sorrows and tears of seperation.....these are the gifts you have given me]
mud naa aaye dil te mehram...beet gaiya barsaata....sanu ik pal chain naa aave...
[the raining season has gone away shall never come back on heart...ohh my confidant]
* Hoke - sound of cry due to pain, haade - sorrows, hijar - separation, athroo - tears, de gaya - have given, sogaatan - gifts
* mud - return, naa - not, aaye - come, dil te - on heart, mehram - confidant, beet gaiya - gone away, barsaata - raining season
Raati mai jagaawa diva hanjuaaa de tel daa | i lit a candle with oil of tears
haye o rabba sajjna nu chheti kyu nahi melda ... ho sanu ik pal chain naa aave....
[o God, why dont you make my lover meet soon]
* Raati - in the night, mai - I, Jagawa - lit, diva - candle/utensils lamp, hanjuaa de - of tears, tel daa - of oil
* Haye O - hey, rabba - God, sajjna nu - lover, chheti - soon, kyu - why, nahi - not, melda - make meet
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